Post Cards

Takes time to get your head together and remember all the great thing I've seen these last couple of days.

There is one saying from this trip that for some reason have decided to stay with me, I think it's because it's true.
"It's the Canada you see in postcards" I have to Agree, I've spent 8 days experience the Canada most people will only see in postcards. Or do you disagree, this one is from Emerald Lake

And It was just the beginning, Here is one from Johnson Lake

We went up a trail Called Parkers Ridge Trail to see the Saskatchewan Glacier, on the ground level where we started it didn't look too bad, just rained a little and the sun was hiding, well everyone in the group did the right thing and dressed up a bit with an extra shirt and trousers instead of shorts. We managed to get lost and end up on the wrong trail when we were getting near the top and walked perhaps a click (1km) to far in the wrong direction when we got to where we thought we should be we discovered that there were two ridges in the way of the view, we could barely see the ice at all, now we had been promised one of the most if not THE most spectacular view in western Canada so no one wanted to give up that easy. We found the right trail and well my joy over seeing it can't be misstaken in this picture, as always, pictures never do justice to the things you want to show people.

My hands in that picture were not cooperating with me, they were frozen solid so the pictures I took up there are half ass at best. Because of the overcast the view is a bit obstructed but it was so worth it, if for no other reason than to see everyone so happy over having found it. It's a memory I will treasure forever.

And last comes 2 photos of the lake that used to be on the Canadian Twenty dollar bill
Moraine Lake.

The sun was shining in the first one witch makes it a really beautiful view, in the second I'm just really happy not having just fallen of the cliff that I was standing on, I lost my footing for a second there and when I recovered it all I could feel was happiness.

So what have I managed to do during my entire trip?

I have Visited places most people only see at postcards, I have seen wild life up close such as black bears, elks and other mountain animals that aren't as afraid of the traffic as they should. I have been river Boarding, I've been living in a wilderness hostel, I've been swimming in glacier lakes, I've gotten lost in Banff and I've been standing on a glacier, I've seen so many beautifull places that my head feelt dull, and I had trouble really enjoying the experiance. And this is only a small piece of what I've been doing. If you want to know more you just have to buy me a beer at the bar and have me start talking.

The last word from me this time, is the song I picked up during this tripp that I think I will always remember this adventure with. Strangely enought it has nothing to do with the Rocky Mountains.

Beach in Hawaii - Ziggy Marley

Postat av: Fru Nordberg

I'm happy for you. You seem happy and I envy you for your experiences :) Can you swim in Moraine Lake? It sure looks tempting.

2008-08-20 @ 09:06:40
Postat av: Rozzy

now the view is magnificent and it reminds me of the northern mountains here in Sweden, but this is another good reason for me for a hiking trip in the rocky mountains ;)

however this wasn't the thing that struck me the most it was that I could hardly recognize you on the photo... your sun burned... and well look like you lost a few kg hah ;)



2008-08-20 @ 23:10:17
Postat av: Veronica

Amazing pictures!! =)

2008-08-25 @ 08:13:33

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